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Published and Unpublished Research 

1. Journal of Special Operations Medicine    

Case series of 60 patients  treated with a Mandibular Stabilization Splint - 2013


2. Journal of Special Operations Medicine    

Use of a Mandibular Intraoral Neuroprosthesis for the Treatment of PTSD associated Nightmares, headaches and sleep disruptions a 30 Patient pilot study - 2014

3. World Congress of the International Brain Injury Association (Poster Presentation)

Use of an Intraoral neuroprosthesis for the treatment of mTBI/PYSD nightmares headaches and sleep disruptions - 2014


4. Military Health Care Research Symposium (Poster Presentation)

Case series of 60 patients treated with a Mandibular stabilization splint for attenuation of PTSD associated nightmares, headaches and sleep disruptions


5. Association of  Military Surgeons of the United States Medical Conference (Poster Presentation)

Use of an intraoral neuroprosthesis for the Attenuation of PTSD associated nightmares, headaches and Sleep Disruptions - 2014


6. Manuscript in preparation (2018 Fall Release)

Use of an Intra oral mandibular neuro-prosthesis for the attenuation of PTSD and mTBI/PTSD associated nightmare a 100 subject study

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