3916 Rosemont Drive
Columbus, GA 31904
706 323 1852
Moeller Intraoral Neuromodulation Therapy
Eliminating Migraines and Nightmares Since 2001
Intraoral neuromodulation is cutting edge therapy which is designed to fill the gap where standard psychological and pharmacological care have yielded less than satisfactory clinical results in helping to alleviate PTSD associated nightmares, headaches and sleep disruptions . This novel therapy uses a tried and true device which has now been discovered to also have the capability to modulate or change the neurological input from the muscles of mastication and other intraoral receptors. The intraoral neuromodulator or intraoral- neuroprosthesis is a slight modification of the standard mandibular stabilization splint which has been in use by dentists for over 50 years. Therefore , this device has a safety record which is already well established and is FDA approved. This device is non-electric and appears in a general sense to be similar to a " sports mouthguard" .
A key discovery found by Dr Moeller`s research is that modification of the distance between the upper and lower jaws during the period of sleep causes a significant reduction in the intensity , duration and frequency of PTSD and mTBI/PTSD associated nightmares, headaches and sleep disruptions. In addition numerous patients with PTSD who also had sleep apnea and were being treated with a CPAP machine can also be significantly be helped by this device when used in conjunction with their CPAP device.
The exact neurophysiological mechanism by which this device exerts its effect is currently unknown, however considering the previously established safety record of this device, historically and in Dr Moeller`s clinical use ,it is entirely safe. Research seems to indicate that those particular areas of the brain which are "upregulated" by the effects of PTSD and mTBI are ""downregulated " in some manner by use of this device. In many cases the effects of the neuromodulator may be experienced within a 24 hour period. Evidence for this is seen by the almost immediate effect it has on the nature and content of dreaming.
It is very encouraging to note that ALL of Dr Moellers " subjects" in his two studies had failed all standard psychotherapy and pharmacological therapy for their nightmares, headaches and sleep disruptions. Also a very high percentage of the additional 300 patients treated with this device had failed all other therapy for the control of these symptoms.
It was also confirmed by Dr Moeller`s research that even those patients who had experienced PTSD and TBI/PTSD associated headaches, nightmares and sleep disruptions for DECADES still experienced a significant reduction in these symptioms.
Vietnam Veterans who were below the age of 70 years old also benefited from use of this device.